Trending graphs for labs and other records
Nikki Weinlein
Being able to click a lab and see a trending graph over a given time, even better if it could overlap with other reporting trends such as symptoms.
Olive Mongoose
It would be helpful if see the graph without putting it in pdf but directly in the app.
Nikki Weinlein
Olive Mongoose Where would you want to look for this? In the menu? In FEEL? Would you want this for everything or just amino acids?
Olive Mongoose
Nikki Weinleinfood total and blood results
Nikki Weinlein
Feature released in flok app version 1.1! 🐦 When you generate a PDF report you will see a graph of the values over time.
Nikki Weinlein
Nikki Weinlein
Merged in a post:
Blood Results
Olive Mongoose
You have to go into each lab result to see the result instead of displaying the number in a list. Ideally I would want to see the number in the list then go into it to see a graph of it over time.